It’s time to use Twitter, Facebook and now LinkedIn to bloody the noses of the businesses that have given you a terrible customer experience

Photo by Garry Knight

American cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead (December 16, 1901 – November 15, 1978) was quoted: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” 

With this thought in mind, I aim to build an index of Australia’s worst businesses in delivering customer experience (CX), starting small and growing it incrementally, as slowly as it takes. 

You can see in the right hand margin the names of companies whose attitudes towards me as a customer have earnt my deep anger and triggered me to launch this site. (And those I can’t escape only continue to anger me more.)

Those aside, there is certainly no shortage of companies showing contempt for their customers, and as there also isn’t any lack of businesses who would like to take those customers away by doing a better job, we should deliberately help the organisations in the latter camp.

Essentially, with each tweet or post I make, I aim to deter at least one new customer from becoming a victim of the organisation that is its subject. 

The history of business is littered with the corpses of companies that did not properly consider the needs of their customers.

When there are enough customers standing in the way of any company’s growth, it will either go bust or change its corner-cutting, decision-making managers and mend its ways.

My recipe, proven to date in shaming and even correcting the behaviour of certain management teams, is here: How social media helps me draw public attention to my worst customer experiences (CX)

Please join me if you want to get even with a business, or businesses, you think deserve a bloody nose.

Begin by connecting with me via LinkedIn or Twitter – @ShonkrCom – or by joining the Shonkr group at LinkedIn ( 

Thanks for reading.

Graham Lauren